
Interview with Belinda G. Buchanan

NRR will periodically showcase a Self-Published Author in hopes of both shedding a little light on the process these Authors go through, and to shine a little light on their work. We sincerely hope this interview will help aspiring Authors, satisfy curious minds, and introduce the Author to more readers.

Self-Published Author Interview: Belinda G. Buchanan
By: Charity Daugherty

Belinda Buchanan is a native of Kentucky and currently resides in the bluegrass state with her husband of 21 years. She has two wonderful sons, two persnickety cats, and one dog who believes he's a person. She has written and self-published 2 books to date: After All Is Said and Done - a novel about infidelity, alcoholism, healing & forgiveness; and The Monster Of Silver Creek, a mystery romance. They are both near and dear to her heart.
Nocturne: Did you originally want to be a Self-Published Author or were you having difficulties with Publishers.
Buchanan: I didn't set out to be an indie author, but saw that there were immediate benefits to self-publishing. You get to publish it on your time table and the way you want.
Nocturne:  Is there any particular author or book that influenced you in any way either growing up or as an adult? I grew up loving Danielle Steel. Her books were wonderfully written and I found myself completely immersed in her stories.
Nocturne: Can you tell us the steps you went through to get Self-Published?
Buchanan: Amazon made it extremely easy to self-publish for both kindle and paperback. The most difficult aspect was formatting for kindle. I wound up using mobipocket creator and it formats perfectly. Createspace gives you a template and lets you create your own book cover if you want. The paperback obviously does not sell as well as the digital, but it cost no money to do it, so why not?
Nocturne:  If you had to go back and do it all over, is there any aspect of your novel or getting it published that you would change?
Buchanan: For both my novels, there isn't anything I would change as far as the words written inside them. I do wish however, there was an easier route for self-promotion.
Nocturne:  How do you market your work? What avenues have you found to work best for your genre?
Buchanan: I do all the social networking: Facebook, twitter, linkedin, myspace, etc. But, probably the biggest and most helpful site I have found is by far Goodreads. It contains the most helpful and insightful group of people you could ever hope to meet. I have learned many, many things not just on promotion but on writing as well.
Nocturne: What project are you working on now?
Buchanan: Currently I am working on a follow up to The Monster Of Silver Creek. It picks up almost immediately where we left off.
Nocturne: Will you have a new book coming out soon?
Buchanan: Seasons Of Darkness, the prequel to After All Is Said And Done will be out in a few months.
Nocturne:  Do you have any advice to give to aspiring writers? Learn all you can about self-promotion before you publish. Start promoting your book, before it is released. And look into joining Goodreads.
Nocturne:  Is there anything that you would like to say to your readers and fans?
Buchanan: Thank you. My fans inspire me to want to keep writing. I love hearing from them and meeting some of them. I have met some great people along the way.

1 comment :

  1. Good interview and i love the meme!

    Happy Easter!


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